Who am I?

My name is Cathy & shhh don't tell anyone but I am closer to 40 than I care to admit! [= I am the proud wife to Michael, "Bonus" Mom to a soon to be 15 year old & Mommy to 3 year old GBGG quadruplets, 2 are fraternal & 2 are identical. It took me what seems like a lifetime to get to this part of my life yet I do not remember not being here! I am now twenty years into a "career" as a 911 operator, I started there REALLY young! LOL! Never saw that coming! With our life being as it is I currently work part time. Go figure! LOL! I have wanted to be a mommy since I can remember. That journey was a LONG one too! Now that I am here I am savoring every moment of it. Life is definitely NOT easy but I keep that vision which I call the "light at the end of the tunnel" when we have all 5 of our children sitting down at our HUGE dinner table with their mates for Thanksgiving dinner. That vision keeps me going! I'm involved in the 3 M's, MOPS, Multiples & Mommy-hood! Life is good! My newest passion is blogging. I really really enjoy putting my thoughts down on paper the computer! I really hope you enjoy reading about the things that make me go hmm...