Sunday, August 1, 2010

blackberry brandy...

I have been battling some MAJOR conjestion since aquiring this cold of mine. More so than usual. Sadly I have been prone to get sinuitus, sinus infections or worse yet laryngitus after illnesses like this. Basically life just sucks right now! It seems like yesterday when I was a teenager that my parents nextdoor neighbors the Salerno's gave me advice regarding this condition I get. You see hey were Italian, Sicilian to be exact & did not believe in medicines. My mom used to tell me that they never took a pill for anything! One summer while visiting them at their beach house on the Jersey shore they gave me some sage advice. Mrs Salerno told me to take a shot of blackberry brandy just before I laid down for bed. That brandy would eat at whatever was in my throat & I would be talking normal in no time. Let me tell you they were SO right! That blackberry brandy did the trick & I keep a bottle of it in our liquor cabinet just in case! I cannot say enough about...

blackberry brandy...

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